2021 Spring Registration

2021 Spring Registration


Registration for the spring rec league is closed.
Registration for the fall rec league will open in June.

IN-PERSON ASSISTANCE/DROP OFF: To collect Financial Aid forms and approve proof of eligibility, collect cash/check payment, and/or assist with online registration questions. 

  • Friday, February 26:
    Herndon Community Center
    Outdoor Pavilion next to Bready Park

  • Saturday, February 27:

    Herndon Community Center
    Outdoor Pavilion next to Bready Park


AGES: Open to players U5-U19 (Birth years 2002-2016). Please see the chart at the bottom of the page for each age group aligned by birth year

COST: $140 per player. 

DATES: First week of practices begin March 29; 1-2 trainings per week and games on 8 Saturdays (4/10, 4/17, 4/24, 5/1, 5/8, 5/15, 5/22, 6/5). 

FORMAT: League play for U11 and above; House format for U10 and below.

  • For ages U11-U19, Herndon will participate in the InterLeague with Great Falls/Reston, Chantilly, Mclean and Sterling. Teams will have home games and away games scheduled. Practice schedules and game schedules are communicated directly by the coaches to their rostered players.
  • For ages U5-U10, we will continue with the fall format of professional staff coaching and volunteer parents assisting practices and games.
  • Click Here for U5-U10 Practice Schedule.

UNIFORMS: Players U5-U10 receive a free t-shirt/socks to wear as a uniform. Players U11-U19 may continue to wear the XARA jersey in SFL play if they already have one. can purchase our Herndon logo t-shirt with assigned number ($12) through their coach. New players in the U11-U19 age group who do not have a jersey can order/purchase our Herndon logo t-shirt with number on back ($12) through their team coach.

FINANCIAL AID/COST: Players seeking financial aid (scholarships) must show proof of qualification. Upon approval, players will pay a reduced fee of $50 (i.e. if qualify for free lunch at school) or $75 (i.e. if qualify for reduced lunch at school). For information on the financial aid process and qualifications, click here.

CONTACTregistrar@herndonyouthsoccer.org with any questions or registration issues.

NOTE ON SPRING CREDITS: UPDATE: Families who still have a credit from the Spring 2020 season must email registrar@herndonyouthsoccer.org to receive their special "discount" code to apply during checkout in registration. Families who used their credit in the Fall but did not pay the $25 remaining balance will need to pay that balance along with the registration fee for this season at checkout. 

NOTE ABOUT COVID-19 GUIDELINES FOR SPRING SEASON: We are proud to provide an opportunity for children to participate in soccer during this time. Soccer provides a great outlet for kids in their personal, social, mental, and physical development, and this has become even more critical during these times when it is very difficult to have face-to-face interactions in school and during social events with their friends.  The role of HYS is now more vital than ever and it is imperative we follow the protocols that have been outlined by the CDC, State of Virginia, and Fairfax County, so we can maintain the health and safety of our players, staff, and families, and to avoid quarantine measures. We will communicate in March the safety measures needed to ensure county and state COVID-19 compliance during the season.

NOTE ON REFUNDS FOR SPRING SEASON: If you decide to cancel your registration before April 1, please contact registrar@herndonyouthsoccer.org to request a refund. All refunds issued will still be charged a $10 processing fee. Players who register after February 28th will be charged a $25 late fee and only placed if space is available. The late fee is not refundable unless we are unable to place the child on a team. No refunds will be given after April 1, 2021.

The age groups for fall 2020 and spring 2021 seasons are:

M = Mixed, B = Boys, G = Girls

U5 M

U6 M

U7 B

U7/8 G

U8 B

U9/10 B/G

U11 B/G

U12 B/G

U13 B/G

U14 B/G

U16 B/G

U19 B/G














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